The MAIN FIAT RUN - announcements:
- Organisation:
Sport and Advertisement Agency Andrzej Filipiak, Bielsko – Biała, City Hall, Bielsko – Biała - Date:
25.05.2025 , start time: 10.00 hours. - Route:
10 km, city streets – asphalt surface (atest Polish Athletic Federation) - Start:
FCA POLAND – main gate
streets: Warszawska, 3 Maja, Zamkowa, Partyzantów, Gen. Maczka, Leszczyńska, Sempołowskiej, PCK, Broniewskiego, Kierowa. FINISH: CITY HALL SQUARE. - Participation:
Runners eligible to run must be at least 16 years old and have valid medical examination, or provide a self- signed statement confirming their ability to run/ minors – consent of a parent or legal guardian with their PESEL number to participate in the run is required/. - Entries
Individual applications, accepted till 15 May 2025r. / limit of 1500 participants for the run / - Categories and prizes:
General category for men and women : ranks 1 to 3
Wheelchairs category : classification 1 to 3
Different age groups : classification 1 to women: 16 – 19 years old 16 – 19 years old 20 – 29 years old 20 – 29 years old 30 – 39 years old 30 – 39 years old 40 – 49 years old 40 – 49 years old 50 – 59 years old over 50 years old over 60 years old Special prizes,
Prizes for bonus point winners at the 3rd kilometer for both women and men
Every participant will receive a T-shirt, a start number, drinking water and a commemorative medal. - The Run office:
III LO,Bielsko-Biała, 20, Bohaterów Warszawy st. - Registration verification, distribution of start numbers:
24.05.2025 – time: 14.00 – 20.00
25.05.2025 – time: 7.00 – 9.00
After these hours the start numbers will not be distributed. - Financing:
Registration fee – 90 PLN, paid only to the bank account until 15.05.2025r.
Accommodation and participation costs paid by runners themselves or by delegating institutions.
Organizational costs covered by sponsors. - Time check:
DAG chips - Time limit:
75 minutes
Results available on-line at:
- Organisation: